Sally (Y343) Nightmare Before Christmas Series 1 Mystery FiGPiN Pin
This story follows Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, on a mission to change culture. He accidentally discovers Christmas Town, experiences pure joy, and wants to take it back to his people.
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This Mystery Series 1 includes the following FiGPiN Minis:
Common: Jack Skellington (Y342), Sally (Y343), Zero (Y344), Mayor (Y345)
Uncommon (Glow-in-the-Dark): Jack Skellington (Y346), Sally (Y347), Zero (Y348), Mayor (Y349)
Rare: Shock (Y350), Barrel (Y351)
Super Rare: Lock (Y352), Teddy (Y353)
Hyper Rare: Oogie Boogie (Y354)